Thanks to everyone who helped with our Decemeber 19th Clean-up. We picked up leaves and trash in the park and on Park Road and 11th Street.
Thanks for Helping at the June Park Clean-up
Thanks to everyone who came out today for the Quarterly Clean-up . We filled 9 bags with trash and debris. We also replaced the mesh on the fence to keep puppers in the park. And we also disposed of the tree boxes that somebody had removed for unknown reasons several weeks ago. The wood had started rotting, attracting rats and posed a safety concern for our doggies. Thanks also to our friends Georgia Ave Thrive for letting a us borrow the grabbers.
October Park Cleanup
11th & Bark usually holds a cleanup every quarter. Because of social distancing requirements, we haven’t been able to have them, but our Board Members have been showing up to do it as a small group. On Saturday, October 3, we made a new bench, added new fencing to keep the small dogs and tennis balls in the park, added mulch to the tree boxes, and cleaned up trash and dog poop. Thanks to those who were at the park and offered to chip in!
Thanks to Everyone who joined the Spring Cleanup
We scheduled our quarterly cleanup to coincide with the Mayor’s citywide Spring Cleanup. Several volunteers helped clean the inside of the park as well the streets adjacent to the park. Thanks to everyone for their help.
December Cleanup
On December 8, 11th and Bark sponsors another park cleanup. We picked up poop, raked and bagged leaves, cleaned the benches and tables, removed some metal that had been exposed from erosion. Thanks to everyone who helped!
September Cleanup a Success
Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday to help make the dog park and the community just a little bit better. We mulched the tree boxes, edged and pulled the weeds inside and outside of the park, disinfected the benches, and cleanup up dog poop. We also added new new poop bag dispenser. Just an hour of work made a huge difference.
And after the cleanup, a few of us joined together for a dog friendly brunch at Bar Roubaix.
Fall Park Cleanup & Brunch - September 22
It's time for a fall cleanup, and we need your help. Join us on Saturday September 22 at 10:30. We'll add new mulch to the tree boxes, trim the grass, pick up any debris in and around the park, and repair the plastic meshing that keeps small dogs safely in the park.
We'll bring trash bags, gloves, mulch, a rake and shovel, and zip ties for the plastic meshing. If you can bring, or lend us, a manual push-mower or a gas-powered weed wacker to trim the grass, please email us.
Post-Cleanup Brunch at Bar Roubaix
After the cleanup, we’ll gather and have brunch at Bar Roubaix on Irving Street. Dogs are welcome on the patio.
Please RSVP here to let us know if you are coming to brunch.
If you can't attend but would like to help? Consider a tax-deductible donation to help fund the cleanup. Your generous donations help us buy mulch and other supplies. Thanks again.
A Successful Earth Day Cleanup
On Saturday, April 21, 11th and Bark held a cleanup at the park in conjunction with a neighborhood-wide cleanup, the Great CoHi Cleanup. In addition to picking up any debris in and around the park—including up and down Park Rd. and 11th St.—volunteers repainted the benches and table, and repaired the plastic meshing that keeps small dogs safely in the park. The biggest project of the day was creating a dry well to stop a standing water issue not-so-fondly referred to as "the pond." Thanks to everyone who spent their afternoon helping, and in particular those who were on shovel duty.
An extra special thanks to the guys who did the digging! (And to Miles and Ivy, who probably also tried to help with the digging.)
Thanks to Ward 1 Councilmember, Brianne Nadeau, for fighting to try to get money in the budget so that the DC Council can buy, save, and improve the park. And, a thanks for stopping by the cleanup.
See how much fun it is to clean up the park! Thanks Jamie and Penelope for all your hard work!
Help Us Get Rid of the Pond
We’ll pick up debris in and around the park. We’ll also create a dry well to stop the formation of the “pond.” This event is being held in conjunction with the The Great CoHi Cleanup, a neighborhood-wide event.
Sign-up for the cleanup and designate your interest in the dog park cleanup: