Halloween 2024
Dozens of dogs competed in this year’s Halloween Dog Costume Contest. Our judges, ANC Commissioner Anthony Thomas-Davis, and 11th & Bark Board Members Rohan Luktuke and Sheila Koohpai, picked the top three winners in four categories: Most Original, Cutest, Best Human and Dog Combo, and Scariest. Thanks to everyone who supported the event and competed in the contest. Although only three dogs received ribbons in each category, they are all winners to us!
And the winners are:
Most Original
First Place: Toothpick as an Old Dame (in this photo is wearing her ribbon at home)
Second Place: Blue, Hatch, and their whole human family as the National Zoo Pandas
Third Place: Daisy as Lamb Chop
First Place: Tater Tot as a Pink Pony Pup
Second Place: Robin as Chicken Little (in this photo getting ready at home for the big event)
Third Place: Marty as an Everything Beagle (in this photo posing with his yellow ribbon after the competition)
First Place: Holly Golightly as Dogpool
Second Place: Jed Bartlet as a Pawlitician
Third Place: Chelsea as a spider
Best Human and Dog Combo
First Place: Honey and her human as Target
Second Place: Stecil as a Pickle with his human as a Pickleball Player
Third Place: Finn and his human as Hound of Baskerville