Halloween 2021
We had a huge turnout for our 2021 Halloween Dog Costume Contest. Thanks to Brandolon Barnett the ANC Representative for 1A06, Brianne Dornbush from District Bridges, and Eric Cuevas, Member of the 11th & Bark Board for being the judges for our in-person contest. Thanks also to Ward 1 Council Member Brianne Nadeau who stopped by the festivities with her family. And, thanks to Duke’s mom for all these great photos.
The winners were:
Online Community Favorite
1st Place: Reine as Elon Mutt
2nd Place: Minnie as Abu & the Magic Carpet
Best Human & Dog Combo
1st Place: Muggsy & his humans as Jurassic Park
2nd Place: Winnie, Daisey & their humans as Fruit Family
1st Place: Maxmillian as Michael Myers
2nd Place: Cinnamon & Family as Lions, Tigers, and Bears
1st Place: Tater Tot as the King
2nd Place: Meelo as Yoda
Most Original
1st Place: Brisket as a (Knitted) Cow
2nd Place: Clementine as a Clementine
Gallery of Contestants